Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Crafty Favorites from 2013

Well, it's time for everyone to be doing their 2013 Crafty Favorites! ;)  So, here are mine!  I've chosen one per month--enjoy!


And with that, I'm out!  HUGS and Happy New Year!  Here's to another fabulous year of crafting, sharing, and caring! :)


Ink Art Designs said...

Oh Mynn...these are beautiful choices ~ I think I like June's because I just love the Bob Marley saying :)
Dot x

Anonymous said...

WOW! You have been one gal getting her crafty on. I LOVE March. Hugs!!

SD pooja said...

Beautiful cards ! Wishing you too A Happy New Year .

Becky said...

Happy New Year! Beautiful creations.

Karen P said...

They are all stunning Mynn. I do love the quotes on them - right up my street! Happy New Year wishes to you and your loved ones xx