Tuesday, December 31, 2013

For a Sweet Friend

Hi, all!  Well, I have good and bad news.  In case you didn't know yet, Jenny over at the Great Impressions blog has stepped down as DT coordinator. :(  We are going to miss her so much, she's been there ever since the blog began!  To say goodbye, we've all made her a special card.  We love you, Jenny!!! :)

Here's the card I made for her~


The good news for me is that I have been asked to take Jenny's place!  I am so excited for this new journey and I hope to do a good job!  I hope that you'll all join me at the blog and that you'll take some of your holiday cash and grab some of the fabulous stamps offered by this wonderful company!

On another note, HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all!  I hope you take some time today to create something NEW for the NEW year!!!  HUGS and happy stamping to you all!


Pia S said...

Good news, Mynnette!
Just want to let you know an e-mail with sad news is sent from your e-mail address, I believe it's a fake one. I just forwarded it to you...

Karen P said...

Congratulations Mynn! I will keep my eye open for when they have a DT call as I love entering their challenges.
Wishing you a very Healthy and Happy New Year x x

Lisa Elton said...

What a breath of fresh air this is Mynnette! Sure needed it, it's 19 snowy blowy and brrrrr cold! Congrats on your new gig, I KNOW you'll do a great job!

Deborah Frings said...

Oh this is just lovely! I'm sure Jenny loves it! The colours (my faves) are just lovely and I do like the sparkle!