Here we are on our wedding day (insert sounds of adoration)~

Anyway, I thought that I would blog a little about my DH and all the challenges and fun times we've had...with pics thrown in...crafty pics. ;D
Okay, where to start? My DH is the BEST husband that anyone could ask for!!! Have any of you ever read the book about the different love languages people have? Well, my husband had the best one--service. From the beginning of our marriage, he has been willing to do ANYTHING for me! I don't get flowers and/or chocolates but once or twice a year, but I will always have laundry done and a clean house because my DH is always willing to do it if I don't feel up to it. This weekend I have been under the weather, and he has gone out of his way to bring me more water to drink or a healthy snack to keep my energy up. AMAZING!!!
Now, the lack of flowers and chocolates frustrated me a bit at the beginning of our marriage, but now I'm grateful that he doesn't get me flowers--because I don't have to do laundry or dishes or vacuum, etc. all the time!!!
But about are the ones he gave me for our anniversary this year~

I arranged them in my pumpkin baskets (thrift store finds). This is how thoughtful he is--HE MATCHED THE FLOWERS TO MY DECOR!
And speaking of decor and thrift stores, he is sooooo patient with my OCD about decorating. And very understanding about ALL of my thrift store/garage sale finds. ;D
Like the ones up on my shelf in the living room~

Did I mention that when we're at Goodwill, garage sales, etc. he goes out of HIS way to look and see if there may be something crafty I could use?! YES!!! He really does this!!!
He also is a great supporter of my paper crafting. He encourages me to branch out. Like when Make My Monday (one of my absolute fave challenge blogs of ALL time) had an entire month of Steampunk challenges (NOT my comfort zone). He totally got into it with me, encouraged me and TOLD ME to go buy supplies I'd need!
Here's one of the cards he inspired (it made Top 3!!!)~

AND...he like to cook and bake. Yes, ladies, do not faint from sheer amazement--he DOES! He is more than willing to cook dinner for me anytime I don't feel like it!!! And he makes really fabby desserts, too!
Look at the blueberry cobbler he made for our anniversary dessert~

Yep. He is amazing! :) I am the luckiest girl in the entire world to have such a fabulous husband! BTW--how about the recipe for the blueberry cobbler? It's really easy--but soooooooooo incredibly good!!!
Easy Blueberry Cobbler
1 can blueberry pie filling
1/2 pkg. white or yellow cake mix
Preheat oven to 350*F. Lightly grease a 9"x9" pan. Put pie filling in bottom of pan. Sprinkle cake mix over the top. Place pats of butter on top of cake mix (will melt and create a "crust" on top). Bake for 50-55 min. or until top is golden brown. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.
1 can blueberry pie filling
1/2 pkg. white or yellow cake mix
Preheat oven to 350*F. Lightly grease a 9"x9" pan. Put pie filling in bottom of pan. Sprinkle cake mix over the top. Place pats of butter on top of cake mix (will melt and create a "crust" on top). Bake for 50-55 min. or until top is golden brown. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.
Anyway, I think you get the point by now...I have the world's greatest husband! Happy anniversary, darling! I'm so excited to spend forever with you! Love you!!!
PS~ He's HILARIOUS, too...just in case you thought he wasn't and that was his one down-fall (he has none...). :D
Aaaawwww!!! Happy anniversary Mynnette to you and your guy! I'm married to my best friend too and I wouldn't trade him for anything in this world. Enjoy your special dessert together :)
He's a keeper, Mynnette! Congratulations! Yvonne
What a lovely blog post! I too have a hubby just like that and consider myself to be blessed. Though I must admit that he nor my adult children do the laundry and vacumning but are lovely in all other ways ..... its nice to talk about!
Belated Anniversary wishes - I do hope you had a wonderful day. Your husband sounds fab - and he cooks - brilliant!!! The dessert looks fab! Hope it tasted as good as it looked.
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