Thursday, December 29, 2011

Still not dead...

...but now my DH is down with the lovely bug. So, I'll just blog for information.

A dear friend (Jacqueline) and I are starting a Christmas stamping challenge blog!!! It's called 52 {Christmas} Card Throwdown and our first challenge is going to be posted this Saturday morning at 6:00am GMT. :) We hope you'll join in the fun--if you do, you'll have 52 cards by Christmas, way ahead of your friends, and feel oh, so prepared for the holiday! :)

Grab our button and come play along~
Also, another tidbit of information, I have a very special blog post that will come out on New Year's Day. What's it about? Well, you'll just have to wait and see! Although, some of you probably already know what it will be. :)

I hope you and yours are having a wonderful holiday--happy crafting! :)


Lisa Elton said...

Sorry to hear the flu bug is visiting your hubs now Mynnette. Hope he gets well soon and you can both have a nice healthy New Years holiday.

Karen P said...

Sorry it has crossed over to DH, it's rotten this bug! Makes me very grumpy! I've already signed up for the 52 Card Throwdown - looking forward to it! Best of luck with that and hope you have a very Happy New Year karen x