Wednesday, February 1, 2012


This post will stay at the top of my blog until the blog candy give away is over. Please scroll down for other crafty posts! :)

It's time!!! I am giving away blog candy! First of all, thank you to all of you who have been followers for more than just this blog candy--I appreciate all my followers, but I appreciate your loyalty to me pre-candy time. :)

This is what I've decided to do. I am going to have each of you who are interested in receiving the blog candy do a few things.

Here are the rules:

1. You MUST be a follower.
2. You MUST leave a comment below.
3. You MUST place my blog candy button (above) on your blog sidebar with a link back to me.
4. Add a link below that links to YOUR blog so I can check out your creations and leave some love in return!

That's it! I will be using a randomizer to choose the winner--but if you do not follow the rules, I'll disqualify you and remove your link from the link list.

And what will you get? Well, here's a preview of the items~

I know it doesn't look like much, but I wanted to see what kind of a response I got with this blog candy before I do a HUGE giveaway...perhaps for my birthday in May...

ANYWAY, here's a list of what you'll get~

*2 acrylic stamps
*Black ink block
*Acrylic block
*2 tag stacks
*2 packages of 3D Stickers

You have until the end of January to link up and play along--I will be announcing the winner sometime at the beginning of February. Happy linking! :)


Jacqueline said...

Hi Mynnette - that blog candy looks gorgeous - I'm going to put your button in my side bar right now. I would hate to be disqualified so here is a link back to my blog (even though you know it well!!)
Speak to you soon - Jacqueline xx

Karen P said...

Happy New Year Mynette - you are on the right side bar of my blog! Karen x

Cazro said...

Wishing you and yours a very happy new year Mynette, may it be a year full of happiness, health and peace. hugs Caz

Katy said...

Hey Mynette! Happy New Year! I put you blog candy on my side bar! Come check it out at:

Love your cards! Keep up the great work :)

Unknown said...

Hi Mynette. Happy New Year!!!! I added your blog candy button on my sidebar and added in the linky above. In case you need me to enter it here, here it is:
Thanks so much for the chance to win!!!!

Luanne said...

Hi Mynette, Happy New year! New follower and posted your giveaway on my blog sidebar.

myfootahead at gmail dot com

Karen said...

Hi Mynette, thank you so much for your kind comments about my projects and for letting me know I hadn't linked up properly for the chance to win such yummy candy! Happy New Year Karen x

Sharon said...

Hi Mynette: Thanks so much for the nice comment you left on my blog. Truly is appreciated!
Stamping Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hello Mynnette! Thank you for visiting my blog and leading me here to see this blog candy! I've entered in and done met the criteria (I follow with my Google name Stephanie K. so if you happen to be looking for me, that's the name I sign in with there! Thanks so much for doing the blog candy! This sounds like so much fun and I'm glad to have a chance to win :) xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Mynnette,
I would love to win some of your lovely candy!
Thanks for this chance!
Love Pearl x

Fliss said...

Thanks for this fabulous offer Mynnette. it all looks lovely.
Fliss xx
PS: I too will have candy soon when all the bits have arrived.

Vicki Fraser said...

Hi Minette, your candy button is pretty awesome, It's on my sidebar. Thanks for joining in my candy giveaway too, good luck!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mynnette, thank you for giving me the chance to win. You are on my sidebar!
Love Amelia (mimi)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mynnette, thank you for giving me the chance to win. You are on my sidebar!
Love Amelia (mimi)

Tkat said...

hi there! so glad i ran across your blog. your projects are gorgeous! keep up the crafty goodness :)

thanks for the chance at ur fab candy. i'm a follower of your blog...and i've linked up on my blogsidebar. :)

Rosalee said...

Hey there Mynnette. Wonderful blog you have here. I'm a new follower. Thanks for the chance at your candy. Someone is going to be really lucky.
Hugs, Rosalee (Can, MB)

Khusboo said...

hey there..was so excited to go through your got a great candy..have placed it on my side bar and am a follower..thanks for a chance to win..


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Thanks for having a candy! and good Luck everyone! :0) Oh by the way I ran across your new Christmas challenge too! yippee xx

sallysbitz2 said...

Lovely blog candy x
Thanks for the chance of winning. I am a new follower & do hope you will pop on by to my blog too.

Happy New Year
hugs sally x

Misu said...

Thank you to win a beautiful candy.

Jennifer B. said...

WOOHOO!!! Blog Candy!! YAY!

Teri said...

Thanks so much for your sweet words on my blog, The Freshman Cook. If you are interested, I purchased the biscoff spread at World Market. It is about $4-$5 a jar. It is a peanut butter alternative, and it is from Europe, but I don't remember which country. I used the last bit of my only jar to make the grilled sandwich, and I haven't replaced it yet, or I could check the jar for you! If you have the opportunity to try it,please do, you won't be disappointed. You have a lovely blog. Thanks again for commenting!

Glitter Panda said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win some blog candy!!

Стю said...

Thanks for the great candy!

Paperella said...

Hey Mynette! I am actually new to the blog world and to the stamping world as well! I am so excited to be a part of this new environment, and I can't wait to see more of your fabulous creations! Hope to see you on my page sometime! I will be frequenting yours quite often!!! :)

Vivi Martínez said...

I would like to thank you for the sweet comment on my blog. I am now a follower of yours!

Silvia said...

Ciao, mi farebbe molto piacere partecipare al tuo candy.
Ho inserito il link e l'immagine sul mio blog e sono diventata tua follower.

coiao ciao

Netty said...

Am not here for the giveaway but to say thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such lovely comments. Have a good weekend, x

Totty Teabag said...

Hi Mynnette, just to say thank you again for the HM in the last challenge. Your candy looks good, I would love a chance to win it!

Michele said...

i just became a follower Mynette! i'll get your blog candy button on my blog right away. and wow, i think the blog candy is perfect, just right. congrats on your blog progress and all your lovely art. take good care. xo from michele

Michele said...

hey Mynette -- thanks for your kind comment on my blog about the 20s vintage image. i just want you to know it was a FREE download. see here: you'll love it!

Anonymous said...

Hello Mynette :) Another newbie to the blog and card making world here too! I am not on blogger but am following you via wordpress, I'm not sure if that shows somewhere. I'm also following you on pinterest. Now let's see how to add that button...
Oh and ofcourse thank you for handing out candy, you say the package isn't big but it looks big to me!

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Thanks for the chance. I also have some candy up, come check it out.

Bhawana said...

Thanks for the chance of winning. I did followe the rules. Thanks. I amin love with ur CAS cards. fabulous. Still exploring....