Hello! I have a
"Spread the L-O-V-E" card for you tonight! But first, a few words--opinions, really, but they've helped me to live a happier life. You don't have to agree--you don't even have to read! Feel free to read or not. Just know that all comments are moderated and negative ones will not be published.
I've always felt that one of the most important things we can do is give thanks to those who help us. Have any of you ever said a "thank you" prayer to God? It's illuminating! Gratitude is VERY important to me--there is nothing that irks me more than spending my time to do something nice just to have people not appreciate it. I don't necessarily have to hear the words "thank you," but attitude is everything. And feeling entitled is the epitome of being selfish and ungrateful. Now, these are just my opinions, please don't think that I think there are NO exceptions, but I think a lot of you will agree that attitude really IS everything. We've all had those times when a card or gift that was lovingly made was unappreciated or trashed. It's the worst feeling in the world! Since we know how it feels to be unappreciated, I think it's our duty to make anyone who helps us feel the love and gratitude we have for them!
Where am I going with this? Well, I was talking to Jess, one of my
"STL" followers, and she was commenting how she's loved to participate because we can lift others so much. I said that was SO true!!! BUT, I don't want people to forget about the "thank you" part of
"STL"! Expressing gratitude to those we love and appreciate, or maybe not love so much but are trying and have done something nice for us or served us in some way, is CLASSY. It shows good breeding and is a way we can become better people. I think that the happiest people I know are the ones who are grateful for what they have and don't dwell on what they don't have or feel entitled. They worry about their own actions and don't allow others to dictate their behavior. (Disclaimer: like I said, there are exceptions--people in abusive relationships trying to survive are victims, not at fault. There are always certain exceptions, just not A LOT of them.)
As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." And as Abraham Lincoln said, "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be." Let's take control of our lives by taking control of our attitudes! I'm trying to become a person like this! I want to be happy--who doesn't?! WHO'S WITH ME?! ;D
Okay, done with my soap box! I'm sure you came my way hoping to see something crafty! Well, like I said before, I have a special
"Spread the L-O-V-E" card for you. It's to say "thank you" to someone who did me a great service this past weekend--I hope she likes it! I sent it anonymously because she and I aren't on a first name, totally know you basis. Is that an okay thing to do? I hope so! I just wanted her to know that she made a difference in someone's life--and I want the glory to go to God, not me.
Here's the card~


I would also like to enter this card into the
For Your Inspiration photo challenge for this fortnight.
Here's the photo inspiration~

FYI blog describes this scene as peaceful and tranquil. I was inspired by those words and the colors--I feel so peaceful when I am expressing gratitude and trying to be a better person! It's hard sometimes, but it is SO worth it! Thank you, ladies, for a fabulous challenge--it was truly inspirational!
I hope you all get a chance to play along with this challenge--it's so fabulous! I adore getting to see all the fabulous creations from the DT and other players! So, come on over and play with us! AND, if you feel like it, won't you join me and sign up to
"Spread the L-O-V-E" this year? Happy crafting! :)