I've got four cards to share with you over the next few days. They're all so very punny, please don't die laughing! Each of them will be for the CAS-ual Fridays Jest for the Pun of It challenge. :) Since I want to enter each separately, you'll be hearing a lot about this challenge--I really hope you join in the pun, I mean FUN! :)
Here's my first card--I call it "You're HOW old?!"~


This card was made for my dad's (enter large number here) birthday this past week. ;) He's really not THAT old, but he likes puns and this card made him laugh, so it was worth the work! Each candle is stamped onto scraps of colored cardstock and cut out. The flames were also individually stamped from another stamp and then colored in with a yellow glitter gel pen before being added to the card.
Since I've also used scraps, I'd like to enter this into the Less is More Don't Scrap It challenge! I use scraps on most of my creations--I hoard all of them. It's NOT bad!!! I feel like I'm saving the earth by using it all up (says the person who's entire basement is full of scraps)! :)
Stay tuned for another post soon--you know, in about 1/2 hour. ;) Happy stamping! :)
Awww I'm sure your dad did enjoy this! CUTE ;)
This is a lovely card Mynnette, I'm sure your dad loved it!
Thanks so much
"Less is More"
I love that! :)
Fun and creative! Your dad will love it :) So glad you came to play with us at CAS-ual Fridays!
Great card also :) Viv xx
Those candles look terrific Mynette
Thank you very much
"Less is More"
whoa... what a fantastic card, mynnette!!
Saw you card on the Don't Scrap it challenge. It caught my eye and had to come over and see it. Very cute.
This is so sweet - terrific focal image and great punny sentiment!! Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays - we're so glad that you did!!
Love this Mynette. Fabulous use of scraps and like Donna it was one that caught my eye on LIM blog! Those are the cards that I try and visit their maker! Hun would you mind telling me where that candle stamp is from? I would love to make this hugs - i could CAS you! Karen x
Absolutely fabulous card, Mynette!! LOVE all the candles...sound like a lot of hand cutting, but SO worth it!!
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