Hello. I fear I'm too late. Oh, well! Sharing these three cards, anyway. I've had a simply GHASTLY day, and I want to share these because I worked hard on them! And I do think they all turned out rather nicely! Okay, I'm a bit calmer now. The site finished loading as I typed, and I still have about 17 hours...I'm NOT too late!!! SO GLAD.
I really love the
Less is More challenge this week--"Cut it out!" They've asked us to have a hole or aperture in our card and to do it with a CAS style. Hole, easy. CAS, not so. Hence the THREE cards! Luckily, they also apply to other challenges, so not a one will be a loss! :) Not that they would, anyway. Who doesn't love a handmade card? And some people don't even care you messed up and it looks as GHASTLY as my day was--they're just touched that you MADE them something! Ya know?!
Okay, that is all I'm gonna rant about. Or rather comment. Wasn't quite a rant. I'd scare you with my rants!
OKAY. NO MORE CRAZINESS! So, aperture cards, yes? Yes! Fun? Yes! Easy? Not as easy as I thought...you'll see what I mean.
Here's my first attempt and details~

This one is darling, but not quite CAS for LIM, so I'll be entering it into this week's
Pink Elephant challenge. It's a photo inspiration challenge--all about love and cuteness! :) Doesn't "Bee my honey" work for love AND cuteness?! ;) Of course it does!!!
Here's the Pink Elephant inspiration photo~

Okay, my second attempt will be submitted into the For Your Inspiration challenge--also a photo challenge. It has a "hole", but I wasn't pleased that it didn't go through the entire card. But, it's pretty! :) AND, it's more CAS, so it was CLOSE to being up to my CAS expectations. Just a few too many layers.
Here's the inspiration photo from FYI~

My card and details~

So, I've kinda sorta struck out twice, but not really, because I have two fabby cards and now a sentence with to many commas and it's running too long. Yeah. Okay. SO, I started again. And looked for a color challenge to inspire me and link to because I KNEW this would be a great card. Not that the other two aren't. BUT, this one is my fave! The color inspiration is from the
Colour Create Challenge for this fortnight--pink and green!!! And they've got some photo inspiration, too! :) And this one is the one I've chosen for the LIM challenge. I do think it's the best CAS style aperture card I made...
Here's the photo inspiration from CCC~

Here's the card and details~

What do you think?! Which is your favorite? What do you love and hate about them? How could I improve? That's enough questions. I need sleep. Good night, and happy stamping!!!
PS: Also linking to this week's 52 Card Pickup
here! :)